Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Gluten-free suppliers

If I'm going to list prescription suppliers then I may as well list non-prescription suppliers of gluten-free foods too.

  • Tilquhillie Fine Foods - very good for GF porrige oats
  • Green's Gluten-Free Beers - an excellent variety of GF beers of all sorts of strengths. I was a frequent orderer at first but I think my taste for beer, and tolerance of alcohol in general, has taken a nosedive.
  • Mrs Crimbles - some very tasty sweet treats on here, such as the Bakewell slices and the macaroons and they have now produced a loaf that isn't far off the Genius standard. Many of their products are stocked in supermarkets.
  • Genius Gluten-Free - Yes, a loaf that cuts, tastes and keeps like a "real" loaf. I possibly over-indulged when it first came out but if it becomes available on prescription then I'll definitely be ordering it.
  • Debbie & Andrews Harrogate sausages - a great sausage, plain and simple. Look out for them in Morrisons.
  • tbc

I'm on the lookout for GF haggis (a butcher in Portobello, Edinburgh does one I believe) and GF black pudding.